Working Spaces Website Receives Hermes Award

Working Spaces Website Receives Hermes Award

Our client Working Spaces is a company committed to excellence. An innovative leader in commercial office furniture and design, they are known for the “world class customer experience” they provide for each of their clients every day.

So, when it came to designing and launching a dynamic new website, BrandMinded Digital Marketing did was it always does. It provided a “world class customer experience” in return.

Soon after launch, the new Working Spaces website was honored with the prestigious Hermes Creative Gold Award. The Hermes is an international award recognizing outstanding work in the industry of electronic media and website design. Judges for the award are industry professionals who look for companies whose website design and user experience exceed a high standard of excellence and serves as a benchmark for the industry.

“We are extremely proud of this award, “says Working Spaces COO Tim Carroll. “We are committed to always providing a world class customer experience, and that goal extends to our website and creating the best online experience possible for our customers.”

At BrandMinded we are also extremely proud of this award. Click the link and see why the judges were so impressed.



Keeping websites fresh and modern is essential to maintaining a thriving brand. When years go by without attention to website design, features can get outdated while the look and feel gets stale. When the opportunity presented itself for our long-time client, Atlanta Medical Clinic, to rebuild their website, we developed a full, site-wide redesign.

By adding new features and stronger visual elements, we created a more modernized look to the website that was organized for easy navigation. With the addition of a helpful chatbot and a recent patient reviews pop-up, our team was able to make the site more user friendly and implemented a strong push on calls to action.

“From top to bottom the whole website was built with the user experience in mind,” says Seth Sullivan, our graphic designer for the site. “Creating a website where people can comfortably and conveniently find treatments for their pain was the driving force behind the design.”

Working with a long-time client is always so rewarding, but building a website from scratch is just as fun! Reach out to the BrandMinded® team today to get started building or redesigning your website.



Building a quality company starts by building a quality culture. That means creating a culture that allows team members to be proud of the work they do and feel they are making a difference. So, when the opportunity presented itself to build a new website and help increase donations for an inspirational non-profit called the Merrell Noden Track Club, the BrandMinded Team jumped at the opportunity.

A talented and elite runner, Merrell was an even better person. So, when he passed away from cancer in the Spring of 2015, friends and family were inspired to do something to keep his memory and wonderful positive spirit alive. The result is the Merrell Noden Track Club, a non-profit that provides high level coaching for high school runners whose high schools do not provide winter track.

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To date, the MNTC and taught hundreds of high school runners, male and female, to embrace the love of running and sportsmanship that Merrell embraced every day. It has also helped dozens of high school runners to attend top universities where they have continued their running careers.

Most importantly, as he did his entire life, the MNTC allows Merrell to keep bringing people together and forming lifelong friendship. We encourage to visit, learn more about Merrell and please donate whatever you can.



After a period of evolution and expansion for our non-profit client, ForHearts Worldwide, this spring we launched their new website, For almost 40 years, ForHearts Worldwide has been a non-profit organization that saves lives by creating a network for providing implantable cardiovascular devices for people in need in developing countries around the world. Harnessing their power of giving to heart centers across the world, ForHearts expanded their services and broadened their mission this year with the hope of saving more lives outside their previous specialty. Thus, it was the natural time to develop a new website to showcase their mission’s growth while expanding their reach to new donors.

In an effort to optimize the website for non-profit necessities, the design and functionality lead viewers to the most critical information and calls to action. By placing easy-to-use donation forms and buttons across all pages of the site, the design offers a practical and user-friendly way to help our client achieve their brand mission: collecting donations to save lives. Sharing their brand mission clearly and evocatively was our top priority.

“Providing visuals to educate viewers and familiarize them with the world they are helping is essential to donor appeal,” says Seth Sullivan, our graphic designer for the site. “The human element of non-profit brands is what those potential donors need to see. Recognizing just how easy it is to help someone through this website can be the difference between life and death.

As our clients’ brands develop, the BrandMinded® team puts all hands on deck to ensure their success. Check out our work on ForHearts’ new website at and contact us today about launching your own website.

The 5 Silent Killers of Web Design: How You Could be Losing Customers Unknowingly

The 5 Silent Killers of Web Design: How You Could be Losing Customers Unknowingly

As a small business with limited marketing dollars, it can be incredibly frustrating when a website you invested in just isn’t bringing in the leads or sales you need. Building a website can be a costly affair, and just like hiring a contractor to build a house, you may not know if they developed your website according to the latest best practices and codes.
