Your Cheat Sheet to Social Media Graphics Sizes *Updated February 2020*

cheat sheet social graphic sizes

Nothing looks worse or sloppier than an outdated, incorrectly sized social media graphic, but staying on top of the changing best practices can be challenging too.

Just think. In 2017, the ideal Facebook cover photo size was 820 x 462. But that’s just for a desktop computer. On a mobile phone, 640 x 360 of that cover photo would be displayed. So, you’d spend a good chunk of time designing something beautiful for desktop, that would just get awkwardly cropped on a mobile phone. And for customers looking at your business profile, it would just look thoughtless and unprofessional.


Now in 2020, while we have even more phone screen size variations than we did a few years ago, we know we can safely recommend different, ideal recommended sizes (be patient, those are coming up).


Getting into the nitty-gritty most of the guides you find online don’t really tell the whole story – If the Facebook cover for desktop is 820 x 312 then the safe area for mobile is actually 556 x 312. I attached an image for this below:

total facebook cover image size

The whole rectangle is desktop, but the orange area is only what you will see on mobile. So, the desktop graphic has to be designed so any important elements are within that mobile area.

But that’s just for a cover photo. What about the profile photo? Timeline photo? Facebook Event photo? And don’t get started with ads – carousel, instant articles, marketplace and more… these all have different recommended sizes that change frequently.


That’s why we’ve created a “cheat sheet” for 2020 – by social media platform. Scroll down to see the sizes broken down by platform and type of graphic.


You can also download our EPS templates by clicking the button below to access Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter’s size recommendations. *These templates were made with Illustrator CC 2020 – Please ensure you have the correct version or you may not be able to open them*

facebook graphics


Download our Template – Facebook – LinkedIn – Twitter


Facebook Graphic Sizes


Profile photo: 170 x 170
Cover photo: 820 x 312
Timeline photos: 1200 x 628
Event cover photo: 1920 x 1080
Panorama: 600 x 600
360 Photo: 6000 x 3000
Timeline photos: 1200 x 628
Right column photos: 1200 x 628
Instant articles photo: 1200 x 628
Marketplace ads photo: 1200 x 628
Facebook Stories: 1080 x 1920 (keep text within 1080 x 1420)
Carousel photos: 1080 x 1080
Messenger: 254 x 133




Twitter Graphic Sizes

Profile photo: 400 x 400
Header: 1500 x 500
In-stream: 1024 x 512
Summary card: 280 x 150
Website card: 800 x 418, or 800 x 800
App card: 800 x 418, or 800 x 800
Single and multi-image tweets: 600 x 335
DM card: minimum width of 800



Instagram Graphic Sizes

Profile photo: 110 x 110
Landscape: 1080 x 566
Portrait: 1080 x 1350
Square: 1080 x 1080
Thumbnail: 292 x 292
Stories (portrait only): 1080 x 1920


LinkedIn Graphic Sizes

Company page sizes  
Cover photo: 1536 x 768
Company logo: 300 x 300
Overview tab image: 360 x 120
Overview tab cover image: 1192 x 220
Life section hero image: 1128 x 376
Life tab custom modules image: 502 x 282
Life tab company photos image: 900 x 600
Square logo: 60 x 60
LinkedIn Ads  
Company logo: 100 x 100
Spotlight ads logo: 100 x 100
Spotlight ad background image: 300 x 250
Sponsored content image: 1200 x 627




Profile photo: 800 x 800
Channel cover photo: 2560 x 1440
Video: 1280 x 720 pixels (HD)



Snapchat ads image: 1080 x 1920
Snapchat Geofilter image: 1080 x 1920



Profile photo: 100 x 100
Cover photo size: 900 x 300
Video: 1080 x 1920



Profile photo: 165 x 165
Pin image: 600 x 900
Promoted Pins: 600 x 900
Thumbnail of Promoted Pins (small): 69 x 69
Thumbnail of Promoted Pins (large): 216 x 146


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