Why All Successful Marketers Value Blogging

Why All Successful Marketers Value Blogging

There’s a reason blogging is a tried-and-true digital marketing strategy. According to inbound marketing experts HubSpot, most consumers read blogs multiple times a week — and have purchased something from a brand after reading the company’s blog. If your business already has a blog, you’re on the right track. If not, you’re likely missing out on a real opportunity to increase web traffic (and ultimately sales). Let’s unpack why all successful marketers value blogging.

1. It Can Increase Your Google Ranking

Blogging is a powerful content marketing tool. When done right, it can significantly improve a business’s Google ranking. The idea is to blog about topics that your target demographic cares about. To be clear, that doesn’t mean creating generic content in an attempt to get clicks. Google actually deprioritizes that type of content. Instead, it’s about generating authentic blog posts that communicate your brand’s voice while helping readers.

The internet is a crowded place, which is why discoverability is extremely important. Businesses that are intentional with their blogging strategy are more likely to attract new readers — and hopefully convert them into loyal customers.

2. It Establishes Trust with Consumers

Google’s recent helpful content update changed the way search results rank and appear to internet users. As the name implies, the initiative prioritizes content that is authentic and helpful to readers. It also devalues clickbait and unhelpful content. This is a good thing because it rewards websites that create reader-centered content. This, in turn, can establish a sense of trust.

If a reader is consistently getting helpful, relevant information from your blog, that positions your brand as a voice of authority that can be trusted. That trust will ideally lead to conversions and lasting customer relationships. Effective blogging keeps the reader engaged, offers solutions, and makes life easier for the reader.

3. Blogging Allows You to Serve Your Existing Customers

When it comes to digital marketing, blogging isn’t just designed to snag new customers. It’s also meant to support your customer retention efforts. Once you begin a client relationship, you want them to continue finding value in your brand.

For example, let’s say you’re a medical provider that specializes in orthopedic services. You create a helpful blog post with simple tips for supporting bone health and keeping your joints strong. Existing patients may read that and find it valuable — perhaps even sharing it with their social media network. That blog post is now being seen by new potential patients. It’s also serving existing ones and demonstrating your brand’s values around patient well-being.

4. It Integrates Naturally with Social Media

Blogging goes hand in hand with social media marketing. These platforms can engage users and provide a little teaser of your content. They can also direct users to blog posts with the click of a button. Short-form video is particularly popular right now, thanks to TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts. Brands can translate their blog posts into short videos and post them on social. Meanwhile, longer videos can accompany blog posts directly on your site.

5. It Puts Muscle Behind Your SEO and SEM Marketing

SEO and SEM marketing have picked up a lot of steam in recent years. These digital marketing strategies leverage search engines to generate traffic. SEM marketing involves paid advertisements that put your website at the top of search results. (These are labeled as ads.) SEO, or search engine optimization, focuses on capturing organic search.

When an internet user types a search query into Google, the top results contain content that Google’s algorithm has determined is helpful. Blogging is an opportunity to optimize your content so that it ranks highly in Google and attracts visitors in an organic way.

If you’re wondering how to blog, you aren’t alone. At BrandMinded, we help businesses create a comprehensive strategy that supports their overall digital marketing plan. Reach out to us today to get started!

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