When Is It Time To Seek Professional Help During a Pandemic?

It’s best to concentrate on the basics when it comes to seeking professional medical assistance during a pandemic.

Monitor Signs of Dehydration

When fighting any type of illness, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids, including water and/or electrolyte drinks. If the patient is having trouble keeping fluids down, dehydration becomes a more dangerous threat. Watch for changes in urination, or check for dehydration by pinching the patient’s skin. If the pinched skin doesn’t bounce back quickly, he or she is dehydrated and should get additional help.

Watch the Patient’s Breathing

Chest pain or difficulty breathing can be a sign of a more serious issue that needs medical attention. The caregiver also needs to take extra precautions to stay healthy and free of the patient’s illness.

Fever Changes

An unexplained fever that changes suddenly is also a warning sign to call for medical assistance. If the fever continues to rise, even after over-the-counter medication, or the patient is getting confused — it’s time to call the doctor.

Bottom Line

The bottom line? Do the best you can at home. If your patient’s status becomes more than you can handle, it’s important to reach out and get further assistance. Professional help will be available to those who really need it. First, we recommend calling for advice. And if you need more help, don’t hesitate to take the patient in and let a professional evaluate them in person.