Tampa Bay: What’s on Your Mind?

tampa bay what's on your mind

Tampa Bay is one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. With nearly 150 people moving here every day, it is quickly earning its name as a vibrant, diverse community with an innovative and dynamic entrepreneurial hub.

Home of the Tampa Bay Lightning, the finest cigars outside of Cuba, and some of the world’s most gorgeous beaches, there are many reasons why business is growing so rapidly right here in our neighborhood. With significant investment plans from the likes of Jeff Vinik and Bill Gates, the landscape of our city is drastically transforming as a place of innovation, technology, and business opportunity.

That’s where we, BrandMinded®, come in. After a decade and a half spent creating television advertisements for clients all over the country – we’ve returned home to Tampa Bay with a singular, unequivocal mission: to leverage the power of digital to make small to medium sized businesses grow. Small businesses are the backbone of our community, and we want to help them compete against the bigger dogs. We’ve helped small companies become recognizable brands across the nation – and we want to do it for our friends and neighbors here.


Digital Marketing for Everyone

With the advent of social media and the rapid development of consumer technology, the digital world has become a democratic space. Anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection now has a place to freely publish their stories and amplify them through myriad of web and social platforms.

Now, business owners don’t necessarily always have to work with an expensive agency to run their business online. In the past, advertising was an extremely expensive undertaking – and as a result, small businesses just didn’t have the financial means to compete with the Nikes and Pepsi-Colas of their world. The democratization of the digital space has given everyone equal opportunity to get in front of their audiences on a shoestring budget.

It sounds wonderful – but this became a double-edged sword. With low barriers to entry, and the mentality that “anyone can do digital marketing,” the quality of content has now become more important than ever in building a successful brand. To all the businesses who had their websites built by their son’s college friend or decided to let their kids run their social media for them – your brand may likely have suffered more by having an unprofessional online presence rather than none at all. Partnering with an experienced, results-oriented digital company is the true path to online success.


The Value of Building a Brand

As our name implies, our approach to digital always begins and ends with the philosophy that every message, every campaign, every piece of content broadcasted should represent your brand. This is the only proven way to rise above the competition and carve out a place for your business in your industry.

At BrandMinded®, our team takes a multidisciplinary approach to marketing in order to achieve that. Using the best practices in web design, search engine optimization, content marketing, social media management, as well as traditional advertising such as television, print and radio, we build brands that have a unique, strong voice in the marketplace.

Building brand recognition is the key. Rather than focusing strictly on generic search terms to get leads for our clients, we work with business owners on establishing and leveraging their unique value to raise brand awareness. We have learned over the last fifteen years that success happens when a company is known by their name, not solely by what products they sell or what services they provide. Our mission is to build brands in Tampa Bay – the perfect launching pad for unlocking success.


A True Partnership for Small Businesses

Just like any other business, the reputation of a digital marketing agency is paramount. Unfortunately, we’ve seen clients scarred by past experiences. The land of marketers is often filled with fake promises and unrealistic sales pitches. We are not here to make promises that we cannot fulfill, such as the fabulously shady statement “To make you number one on Google!” Small business owners might not have a lot of money to splash out on advertising, so where they spend their buck is important to them.

Where your dollar goes is important to us as well, because we are a small business too. We practice transparency with our clients. We don’t just throw up some undecipherable numbers and analytics – we give our clients clear data, interpreted to inform our partners of which business decisions are working and which ones aren’t.

BrandMinded® is a Tampa digital agency with the experience and track record of growing businesses and building brands. We cut through the gloss and demystify the process of digital marketing so that our clients understand what we’re doing.


So, what’s on your mind? If you’re ready to grow your business, fill out our contact form or give us a call to schedule a free collaboration consultation with our team.


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