How a Heartfelt Strategy Brought Marketing Success During the Pandemic

marketing strategy covid

Over the last several months we’ve been unusually quiet on the social media front.

Yes, very out of character for Brandminded, but for very good reason. So, we wanted to share why.

When Covid-19 took hold in early Spring, we did what millions of businesses did from coast to coast; stepped back, assessed the business landscape, and tried to determine the best way to navigate this unprecedented time. As a team, we reached a decision that felt right. It was an approach that both reaffirmed our agency values and reminded us why we do what we do.

We decided that, despite the many challenges and uncertainties ahead, this wasn’t a time to change who we are, what we do, or how we do it. It was, in fact, a time to double down on who we have always been; an innovative, highly creative, results-oriented agency that always puts its clients first.

So that’s what we did.

Rather than investing valuable time and money in promoting ourselves, we dedicated all our resources – manpower, creative skills, extra hours, late nights – into whatever our clients needed to survive. If they needed an extra 5 posts a week, we did it. New messaging, quick rebranding, refreshed website, new videos, revised creative strategy, consistent Covid-19 updates – we did it. If they needed to reduce or revise their retainer, we did it. We didn’t quibble about money or extra hours. We just did whatever had to be done.

And an amazing thing happened.

Through a strong, consistent, informative, and well-targeted digital presence, the majority of our clients not only held their own but actually grew their businesses. In the middle of a worldwide pandemic, they grew their businesses.

Even more surprising, with literally no advertising at all, so did BrandMinded.

Our many medical clients – from Tampa to Naples, Chicago to Houston – had some of their best months ever. Working together, we moved quickly to revise messages and adapt our scheduling software to meet the unique challenges of the pandemic, and it worked.

With all clients, we worked together to shape, communicate, and promote new ways of doing business. With digital as the conduit, we created innovative platforms to allow clients and employees to conduct business in a safe and healthy
environment….and it worked.

To top it off, in the midst of Covid-19 we were able to successfully launch two new businesses. Yes, the potential customers were homebound and quarantined, but through effective digital messaging and branding the sales process didn’t skip a beat.

The lessons we learned through all this are many. But the one that jumps off the page is the one the team at BrandMinded has always known; to be a truly successful digital marketing agency you must fully embrace, understand, and believe that the client comes first. Always.
So it’s nice to be back in touch – safe, healthy, and as committed to our clients as ever.

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