Emergency Kit During a Pandemic
The basic emergency kit that everybody should have in the event of a pandemic outbreak.Emergency Kit
According to the CDC, the most important things to have in your household during a pandemic range from prescription/OTC medications, non-perishable food items, and hygiene items. Consider a 2-week supply of each depending on how many people you are living with. Don’t forget about child care and pet care items you may need, as well.
Hygiene Products
As COVID-19 seems to be spreading at enormous rates, hygiene is crucial. Making sure you are prepared with the right amount of hygiene products within your household should be on the top of your list. Remembering to wipe down surfaces such as countertops, doorknobs, and your cell phone is also crucial to minimize the spread of the virus. Here is a basic checklist of products to consider reasonably stocking up on:
- Soap
- Hand Sanitizer
- Toilet Paper
- Disinfectant Wipes/Spray
- Bleach (diluted with water in a spray bottle)
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Baby Wipes and Diapers (if you have an infant)
Non-Perishable Household Items
Non-Perishable items are things that can last an extended period of time without going bad, typically referring to food. This can include all the basic necessities you may need to last you and your family about 2 weeks of social isolation during a pandemic. Here are are some basics to consider depending on your household size:
- OTC Medications and health supplies like pain relievers, stomach remedies, cold/flu medicine, or vitamins
- Prescription Medications (if needed)
- Canned/Frozen Foods
- Childcare items (if needed)
- Water or a water filtration device
- Pet Food (if needed)
- Products with plenty of Vitamin C
- Flashlight
- Batteries
Work/School from Home Items
If you are working from home or switching to online classes, make sure you have everything you need. This includes proper forms of communication, laptops/computers, notebooks, headphones, writing utensils, and any other physical resources you may need.