Caring For The Sick
The signs and symptoms of a coronavirus (COVID-19) are not unlike what you would see in seasonal influenza. The CDC states that signs to watch for include fever, cough and shortness of breath. While there isn’t a cure, there are things we can all do to make the patient more comfortable and heal faster.Monitor Their Fluid Intake
The most important thing as a caretaker is to monitor fluid intake. The body fights the virus by running a fever, which is a good thing. However, this depletes the body of essential fluids. You’ll want to keep the patient hydrated with water and electrolytes, while staying away from caffeine.
Dehydration is a real threat with a virus. Look for warning signs like parched lips and skin that lacks elasticity. Continue to offer drinks to the sick person. If they are unable to drink, try ice chips.
It’s important to remember that fever is a natural part of the body’s function as it battles the virus. Over-the-counter medications should bring a normal fever down, but continue to take the patient’s temperature. If the fever gets out of control, it may be time to seek additional medical help.
Self Care
Caring for the sick is only part of the challenge. Although it can be easy to forget, the caregiver must also take steps to keep themselves and anyone else in the house as healthy as possible.
If you’re the one taking care of a loved one in the family at home, be sure to continuously disinfect and wipe down the surfaces. Use disposable barriers whenever possible like paper towels to clean surfaces, and Kleenex to cover the nose and mouth of a sick person. If possible, keep the ill member of the family in one part of the house.